Dressing Newborn in Summer: How to Keep Your Little One Cool and Comfortable

When summer arrives, dressing your newborn baby appropriately becomes essential to ensure their comfort and well-being. As a parent, it’s important to choose the right clothing and consider factors like temperature, sun protection, and indoor conditions. In this article, we will provide you with valuable tips and guidelines on dressing newborn in summer, ensuring they stay cool, comfortable, and safe.

How to Dress a Newborn in Summer?

dressing newborn in summer

When dressing newborns in summer, it’s important to prioritize their comfort and safety. Lightweight and breathable clothing helps to prevent overheating and allows air to circulate around their body. Natural fabrics like cotton are gentle on their sensitive skin and help to absorb moisture. 

Dressing them in loose-fitting outfits helps in temperature regulation and ensures they don’t feel restricted. Layering their clothing allows for easy adjustments as the temperature fluctuates throughout the day. Protecting their skin from the sun’s harmful rays is crucial, so use hats and sunglasses to shield their face and apply sunscreen to exposed areas. Monitoring their comfort by feeling their neck or back helps identify any signs of overheating. Finally, ensuring they are well-hydrated is essential, so offer frequent feedings or water, depending on their age.

4 Best Tips on Dressing Newborn in Summer 

Dressing your newborn appropriately for the summer season is crucial to help them regulate their body temperature and prevent discomfort. Here are some direct tips to ensure your baby stays comfortable:

Tip #1: Pay Attention to TOG Ratings

When choosing clothing for your newborn, it’s important to pay attention to the TOG (Thermal Overall Grade) ratings. TOG ratings indicate the level of warmth provided by a fabric. During the summer season, opt for lightweight fabrics with low TOG ratings, such as cotton or muslin. These materials are breathable and allow air circulation, preventing your baby from overheating. Fabrics with higher TOG ratings, such as fleece or wool, are more suitable for colder weather.

Tip #2: Learn the Signs of Temperature Discomfort

Babies can’t regulate their body temperature as effectively as adults, so it’s essential to pay attention to their cues. Signs of overheating include excessive sweating, flushed or red skin, rapid breathing, and irritability. If you notice these signs, it’s important to remove layers of clothing or choose lighter fabrics to help your baby cool down. On the other hand, if your baby is shivering, has cold hands or feet, or appears lethargic, they may be too cold. In such cases, adding an extra layer of clothing or using a lightweight blanket can provide warmth and comfort.

Tip #3: Check the UV Index Before Heading Outside

When taking your newborn outside during the summer, it’s crucial to protect their delicate skin from harmful UV rays. Before heading out, check the UV index in your area. The UV index provides information on the intensity of the sun’s rays and indicates the level of sun protection required. On days with high UV index, it’s advisable to dress your baby in lightweight, long-sleeved clothing that covers their arms and legs. Additionally, don’t forget to use a wide-brimmed hat to protect their face and neck, and consider using baby-safe sunscreen on exposed skin areas.

Tip #4: Keep Baby Well Hydrated

Hydration is crucial for babies, especially during hot summer days. Make sure to keep your newborn well hydrated by breastfeeding or offering formula regularly. Breast milk or formula provides the necessary fluids to keep your baby hydrated. If your baby has started solids, you can also offer small sips of water between feedings to ensure they stay hydrated. However, be cautious not to over hydrate your baby, as it can be harmful. If you’re unsure about the appropriate amount of fluids for your baby, consult your pediatrician for guidance. 

How to Choose Newborn Clothes for Hot Weather

Selecting appropriate clothing for your newborn in hot weather is essential to keep them comfortable and prevent overheating. Consider the following tips when choosing summer clothes for your baby:

Choose Lightweight Fabrics

When dressing your newborn for hot weather, choosing lightweight fabrics is key to ensuring their comfort. Here are some bullet points and descriptions to help you understand the importance and benefits of lightweight fabrics:

  • Cotton: Cotton is a popular choice on how to dress summer newborn due to its breathability and softness. It allows air to circulate, keeping your baby cool and preventing overheating. Cotton is also gentle on sensitive skin, reducing the risk of irritation or rashes.
  • Muslin: Muslin is another excellent lightweight fabric option for summer. It is made from finely woven cotton, which provides excellent breathability. Muslin fabric allows for optimal airflow, keeping your baby comfortable and reducing the chances of sweating or discomfort.
  • Linen: Linen is a natural fabric that is highly breathable and lightweight. It has excellent moisture-wicking properties, making it ideal for hot weather. Linen allows air to flow freely, helping to regulate your baby’s body temperature and preventing excessive heat retention.
  • Bamboo: Bamboo fabric is known for its exceptional softness and breathability. It has natural temperature-regulating properties, keeping your baby cool in the heat. Bamboo fabric also offers moisture-wicking abilities, drawing sweat away from your baby’s skin and promoting comfort.
  • Organic Fabrics: Opting for organic lightweight fabrics, such as organic cotton or bamboo, ensures that no harmful chemicals or pesticides are present. These fabrics are gentle on your baby’s skin and minimize the risk of allergies or irritation.
  • Knit Fabrics: Lightweight knitted fabrics, such as jersey or interlock, are comfortable and stretchy, providing ease of movement for your baby. These fabrics are breathable and allow air circulation, making them suitable for warmer weather.

Consider Sun Protection

When it comes to dressing your newborn for the summer, sun protection is of utmost importance to shield their delicate skin from harmful UV rays. Here’s an expanded section on considering sun protection:

  • Clothing with UPF: Look for clothing items specifically designed with UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) ratings. UPF clothing provides an extra layer of protection against the sun’s harmful rays. These garments are made with tightly woven fabrics that block a significant portion of UV radiation. Check the labels or product descriptions to ensure that the clothing offers a high UPF rating, ideally UPF 50+. This means it blocks at least 98% of the sun’s UV rays, keeping your baby’s skin safe.
  • Covering Exposed Skin: Dress your newborn in lightweight, long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and skirts to cover their arms and legs. Opt for clothing with a looser fit to allow air circulation while still providing coverage. Additionally, consider using sun hats with wide brims to protect their face, neck, and ears from direct sunlight. Choose hats that have UPF protection for added assurance.
  • Sunglasses: Don’t forget about protecting your baby’s eyes from the sun. Look for sunglasses specifically designed for infants with 100% UV protection. These sunglasses should fit comfortably and securely on your baby’s face, providing shade and safeguarding their delicate eyes from harmful UV rays.
  • Seek Shade: Whenever possible, try to keep your newborn in shaded areas, especially during the peak hours when the sun’s rays are the strongest (typically between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.). This can include sitting under a tree, using an umbrella, or creating shade with a stroller canopy. Shade provides an extra layer of protection and reduces direct exposure to the sun.
  • Apply Baby-Safe Sunscreen: For areas of your baby’s skin that are exposed to the sun, such as the face and hands, use a baby-safe sunscreen. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of at least 30. Apply it generously and reapply every two hours or more frequently if your baby is sweating or in water. Consult with your pediatrician to ensure you are using a sunscreen suitable for your newborn’s age.

How to Pick Baby Clothing for Air Conditioning

dressing newborn in summer

Air conditioning provides relief from the summer heat, but it can also make the indoor environment cooler than what is comfortable for a newborn. Choosing the right clothing for your baby when in air-conditioned spaces is crucial to ensure their comfort. Here are some tips to help you pick the appropriate clothing:

  • Opt for layers: Layering is key to adapting to varying indoor temperatures. Choose clothing that can be easily layered and removed as needed, such as onesies, lightweight sweaters, or cardigans. This way, you can add or remove layers to regulate your baby’s body temperature.
  • Choose breathable fabrics: Look for clothing made from breathable materials like cotton or bamboo. These fabrics allow air circulation and help prevent your baby from feeling too hot or sweaty in the air-conditioned environment.
  • Consider footed or non-slip socks: Air conditioning can sometimes make the floor feel chilly. Keep your baby’s feet warm and protected by opting for footed or non-slip socks. They provide an extra layer of warmth while ensuring your little one can move around safely.
  • Cover the head: Babies can lose heat through their heads, so consider using soft, lightweight hats to cover their heads indoors. This will help keep them cozy and maintain their body temperature.
  • Pay attention to comfort: Choose clothing that is soft, stretchy, and nonrestrictive. Avoid clothing with tight elastic bands or buttons that can cause discomfort when sitting or lying down.
  • Check for allergens: Ensure that the clothing you choose is free from irritants or potential allergens, such as harsh dyes or chemicals. Opt for hypoallergenic options to minimize the risk of skin irritation.

How to Dress a Baby for Indoor Temperature

Maintaining a comfortable and appropriate temperature for your baby indoors is essential for their well-being. Here are some helpful tips on how to dress infant in summer for indoor temperature:

  • Consider the ambient temperature: Take into account the temperature of the room or area where your baby will be spending most of their time. This will guide you in selecting the right clothing layers for them.
  • Dress in layers: Opt for dressing your baby in layers to easily adjust their clothing according to temperature changes. Start with a comfortable base layer, such as a onesie or a soft cotton undershirt.
  • Use breathable fabrics: Choose clothing made from breathable materials like cotton or bamboo. These fabrics allow air circulation, helping to regulate your baby’s body temperature and prevent overheating.
  • Monitor your baby’s comfort: Keep an eye on your baby’s cues to ensure they are neither too hot nor too cold. Check for signs of sweating, flushed skin, or shivering, and adjust their clothing accordingly.
  • Keep extremities covered: Babies can lose heat through their hands and feet, so it’s important to keep them covered with mittens and socks to maintain their body temperature.
  • Use blankets or sleep sacks: Depending on the temperature, you can use lightweight blankets or sleep sacks to provide an extra layer of warmth if needed. Opt for breathable and safe materials that won’t pose any suffocation risks.
  • Avoid overdressing: It’s important not to overdress your baby, as overheating can increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Ensure they are comfortable and not too bundled up.


Dressing newborn in summer requires attention to detail and consideration of their comfort and safety. By choosing lightweight fabrics, ensuring sun protection, and adjusting their clothing according to indoor and outdoor temperatures, you can help your baby stay cool, comfortable, and happy during the summer season.

Remember to pay attention to their cues and make necessary adjustments to ensure their well-being. Enjoy the summer season with your little one and create beautiful memories together!

Ehsanul Hoq
Ehsanul Hoq
Articles: 73

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